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Carter County District Court
Carter County Courthouse
20 B Street SW
Phone: 580-223-5253
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Online Court Resources
Resources for the Carter County District Court as well as online resources applicable to courts generally in Carter County, Oklahoma, and resources applicable to all courts in Oklahoma.
Search court case records
Oklahoma Criminal History Records
View information about obtaining a criminal history record from the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation. A fee applies. Links to the request form, instructions for updating criminal history, instructions for reading a rap sheet, and answers to frequently asked questions are provided.
Dockets, calendars, and other information about court cases
Published opinions and orders
Oklahoma Attorney General Legal Opinions
View Oklahoma Attorney General legal opinions by year and number, or search published and unpublished opinions by keyword.
Forms and related information
Self help, legal research, general information
Oklahoma Child Support Services
The Oklahoma Department of Human Services offers a variety of services related to child support, including legal information, an online application for services, an online child support calculator, and online payments.
Oklahoma Consumer Protection
The Oklahoma Attorney General's Consumer Protection Unit offers information about consumer complaints, scam prevention tips, and state lemon law. Online and printable complaint forms are provided.
Oklahoma Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Services
View information about domestic violence and sexual assault services in Oklahoma, including hotlines, a directory of crisis service providers, and a map of shelters and crisis centers with contact information and links to websites.
Oklahoma Foreclosure Prevention Resources
View resources for preventing foreclosure in Oklahoma, including local housing counseling agencies, information about unlawful practices, and links to legal aid providers.
Oklahoma Legal Publications and Videos
The Oklahoma Bar Association offers online and printable brochures about legal topics including criminal law, wills and probate, divorce, legal fees, conflict resolution, small claims, and individual rights. Instructional videos about the court system, adoption, debt, water rights, drug court, and protective orders are also provided.
Oklahoma Victim Services and Resources
The Oklahoma Attorney General's Victim Services Unit offers information about services for crime victims, including hotlines, address confidentiality, the Victims Impact Panel, victims' compensation, and domestic violence resources.
Oklahoma Expungement Information
View information about the expungement of Oklahoma criminal and arrest records.
Oklahoma Court Rules
View Oklahoma court rules including District Court, Workers Compensation Court, Court of Tax Review, Court on the Judiciary, and rules related to the conduct of judges and attorneys.
Oklahoma Legal Information
View information about various legal topics, including housing, taxes, expungement of records, abuse and domestic violence, seniors, health, tribal law, consumer, disaster relief, family law, veterans and military, life planning, benefits, disability, employment, civil rights, farm workers, immigration, and public defenders.
Oklahoma Mediation
View Information about Oklahoma mediation services, with links to rules, answers to frequently asked questions, and directories of local mediation centers and agency-specific mediation programs.
Oklahoma Statutes
Search Oklahoma statutes by keyword, or browse by table of contents.
Legal aid, free services, lawyer referral
Free Oklahoma Legal Aid
Legal Aid Services of Oklahoma provides free civil legal assistance to income-eligible residents. Information about special programs and a directory of local offices are included.
Oklahoma Indigent Defense
The Oklahoma Indigent Defense System offers information about free criminal defense services for indigent parties.
Oklahoma Legal Assistance for Seniors
The Oklahoma Department of Human Services offers information about its Legal Services Developer for Aging Services program, including elder rights, end of life issues, and guardianship. Links to forms, publications, and information about advance directives and wills are provided.
Oklahoma Legal Assistance for Military, Veterans, Law Enforcement, and Emergency Workers
The Oklahoma Bar Association offers information about its Lawyers for America's Heroes Program, which provides free legal assistance for veterans and active duty service members who cannot afford a lawyer; and its Wills for Heroes Program, which provides free assistance with wills and powers of attorney for law enforcement and emergency services personnel.
Complaints About Oklahoma Judges
The Oklahoma Council on Judicial Complaints offers information about making a complaint about a judge, with links to a complaint form, rules, and opinions of the Ethics Advisory Panel and the Court on the Judiciary.
Free Oklahoma Legal Answers
Income-eligible residents without a lawyer can ask civil legal questions online and receive answers from an Oklahoma lawyer. The service is free; registration is required.
Oklahoma Attorney Complaint Information
The Oklahoma Bar Association offers information about making a complaint about an attorney, and provides an online complaint form.
Oklahoma Lawyers
The Oklahoma Bar Association offers a directory of lawyers who choose to be included. The directory may be searched by location and area of practice.