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Washington County District Court
Washington County Courthouse
256 East Court Street
Phone: 208-414-1700
Fax: 208-414-3925
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Online Court Resources
Resources for the Washington County District Court as well as online resources applicable to courts generally in Washington County, Idaho, and resources applicable to all courts in Idaho.
Search court case records
Idaho Court Case Records - iCourt Portal
Search Idaho District and Magistrate Court cases in selected counties online. Case records are transitioning from the Justice Systems system on a county-by-county basis. Check each system for its list of currently supported counties.
Dockets, calendars, and other information about court cases
Idaho Court Calendars - iCourt Portal
Search Idaho District and Magistrate Court calendars in selected counties online. Calendars are transitioning from the Justice Systems system on a county-by-county basis. Check each system for its list of currently supported counties.
Published opinions and orders
Attorney General Legal Opinions
Legal Opinions from the Office of the Attorney General are available from 1975 to current and are searchable by subject or by topical index.
Forms and related information
Online fine payments
Pay Idaho Court Fines and Fees - iCourt Portal
Pay Idaho court fines and fees in selected counties online. A fee applies. Payments are being transitioned from the Idaho Court Pay system on a county-by-county basis. Check each system for its list of currently supported counties.
Pay Idaho Court Fines and Fees - Idaho Court Pay
Pay Idaho District Court fines and fees in selected counties online. A fee applies. Payments are being transitioned to the new iCourt Portal system on a county-by-county basis. Check each system for its list of currently supported counties.
Self help, legal research, general information
Idaho Expungement Information
View information about the expungement of Idaho criminal records. To begin, select the "Criminal History ABIS" menu item. Links to an expungement flow chart and an application form are provided.
Child Support and Child Protection Services
The Idaho Department of Health and Welfare offers information and resources related to child support, child care and child protection, including adoption, birth certificates, health care and mental health issues.
Directory of Court Assistance Offices
Find location and contact information for Court Assistance Offices, listed by judicial district or county. Court Assistance Offices offer a variety of free services, including assistance with document preparation and forms, and referrals for attorneys and mediators.
Foreclosure Prevention Resources
View resources for preventing foreclosure in Idaho, including local housing counseling agencies and programs, national programs, information, and links to legal assistance.
Idaho Court Assistance Office Publications
View and download publications and brochures on various legal topics, including criminal, disability, domestic violence, family law, guardianship/conservatorship, housing, small claims, wills and trusts, court services and procedures, and the legal system.
Idaho Landlord and Tenant Guide
View a detailed guide on residential landlord-tenant law in Idaho.
Idaho Law Library
View information about the Idaho Law Library, which provides legal research resources to the general public.
Idaho Problem Solving Courts
View information about Idaho problem solving courts designed to provide alternatives to criminal adjudication for offenses involving mental health and substance abuse.
Idaho Tribal Court Information
View information on Tribal Courts in Idaho, including the Coeur d'Alene, Kootenai, Nez Perce, Shoshone-Bannock, and Shoshone-Paiute tribes.
Legal Information and Legal Resources
Idaho Legal Aid Services provides information on domestic violence prevention, family law, housing, employment, disability, immigration, and wills and trusts.
Legal Research Resources
View an extensive list of online legal research resources, including the state administrative code, court rules, forms, and other legal resources.
Traffic and Motor Vehicle Information
The Idaho Transportation Department offers information related to traffic and motor vehicle operation, including licensing, driver manuals, testing information, and forms.
Legal aid, free services, lawyer referral
Idaho Attorney Disciplinary Information
The Idaho State Bar provides information about attorney complaints, the disciplinary process, and resolving conduct and fee disputes. Forms are also available to view and download.
Idaho Attorney Online Search
Search for an Idaho attorney by last name or partial last name. Results include attorney's location, contact information, and status.
Idaho Lawyer Referral and Legal Agencies
The Idaho State Bar offers a lawyer referral service by online request form for a nominal fee, and a directory of legal services and law-related agencies.
Idaho Volunteer Lawyers
The Idaho Volunteer Lawyers Program (IVLP) offers free civil legal assistance for low-income residents. View information about financial eligibility, the types of cases represented, a calendar of free legal clinics, answers to frequently asked questions, and an application form.
Information about Lawyers
The Idaho State Bar provides information to legal consumers, including when and how to find a lawyer, legal fees and costs, and dispute resolution services.
Judicial Complaint Information
The Idaho Judicial Council provides answers to frequently asked questions about filing a complaint against a judge, the judicial code of conduct, and a link to the complaint form.