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Pompton Lakes Municipal Court
25 Lenox Avenue
Pompton Lakes,
Phone: 973-835-0143 ext. 236
Fax: 973-835-7401
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Online Court Resources
Resources for the Pompton Lakes Municipal Court as well as online resources applicable to courts generally in Passaic County, New Jersey, and resources applicable to all courts in New Jersey.
Search court case records
Court Case Record Guidelines
View New Jersey policies and procedures for obtaining court case records, including a sample records request form.
Published opinions and orders
Forms and related information
Online fine payments
Pay Traffic and Parking Tickets
Pay New Jersey traffic and parking tickets online. A fee applies.
Self help, legal research, general information
Municipal Court Information
View information about Municipal Courts including contact information, fines, indigent defense eligibility guidelines, and how to file an appeal. A brochure about your day in court is also provided.
Administrative Office of the Courts
View information about civil, criminal, and family court divisions, municipal court services, child support enforcement, and probation.
The New Jersey Judicial Process
View a description of the judicial process in New Jersey, including its principles, types of courts and cases, judges, probation, and court locations.
Traffic and Motor Vehicle Information
The New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission offers information about traffic laws, motor vehicle laws, driver licenses and how to request driver records.
Court Rules
Search New Jersey court rules by keyword, or browse by table of contents.
Court Seminars and Public Events
View a schedule of legal educational events and seminars by location and topic.
Legal Information and Self Help Resources
Legal Services of New Jersey offers free legal information for self-represented parties about a variety of topics including housing, family, health care, benefits, employment, debt, disability, immigration, education, taxes, crime, senior issues, and courts in general. Search for information by keyword or browse by topic.
Legal Information Publications
Legal Services of New Jersey offers free publications and informational flyers about various legal issues, including child abuse and neglect, expunging criminal records, divorce, domestic violence, landlord-tenant, and general information about the court process.
Legal Rights and the Court Process
A wide variety of resources are available, including legal information, legal research links, and fact sheets about civil rights. Legal information includes child support, landlord-tenant claims, small claims, violations bureau fine schedules, sentencing guidelines, and court procedure.
New Jersey Laws
Search New Jersey bills, laws, statutes, and Constitution. Information about the legislature and and legislative process is also available.
Ombudsman Information
View information about the Court Ombudsman program, which answers questions about how the court system works and seeks to improve patron customer service. Contact information for your local Ombudsman, a link to public events, and a customer satisfaction survey are included.
Legal aid, free services, lawyer referral
Consumer Protection
The New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs - Office of Consumer Protection provides information and assistance to consumers filing complaints about various types of fraud, including charity, internet, and identity theft, and provides contact information and an online complaint form.
Public Defender
View information about the Office of the Public Defender, which provides low-cost criminal representation to low-income defendants. Types of services, regional office contacts, billing, and links to other useful information are provided.
Complaints About Attorneys
The New Jersey Judiciary Office of Attorney Ethics provides information about filing a grievance against an attorney, answers to frequently asked questions, and online access to attorney discipline records since 1990. Information about the fee arbitration process to resolve disputes over attorney fees is also provided.
Complaints About Judges
The Advisory Committee on Judicial Conduct provides instructions for filing a complaint about a judge, and searchable records of disciplinary actions against judges by judge or keyword.
Legal Assistance
Legal Services of New Jersey offers free civil legal assistance to low-income residents. A statewide toll-free number and online request form, contact information for local offices in each county, and special statewide projects are included.
Volunteer Lawyers
Volunteer Lawyers for Justice offers free civil legal assistance to low-income residents. Contacts, case types, and descriptions of programs and legal clinics are included.