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Douglas Municipal Court
55 AL Hwy 168, PO Box 45
Phone: 256-593-9531
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Online Court Resources
Resources for the Douglas Municipal Court as well as online resources applicable to courts generally in Marshall County, Alabama, and resources applicable to all courts in Alabama.
Published opinions and orders
Forms and related information
Online fine payments
Pay Alabama Criminal Fines
Pay criminal fines for District Court and some Municipal Courts online by county, case number, and date of birth or social security number. A convenience fee applies.
Self help, legal research, general information
Alabama Constitution and Laws
Search the Alabama Constitution or Code by keyword, or browse by table of contents. Click the "Code of Ala" or "Constitution" tabs on the left side of the page.
Child Support Information and Services
Find information about the establishment, modification, and enforcement of child support orders; paternity; locating the non-custodial parent; payment; and other issues related to child support. Links to downloadable forms and additional resources are included.
Court Rules
View Alabama court rules including Civil Procedure, Small Claims, Criminal Procedure, Juvenile Procedure, and Evidence.
Legal Information and Legal Assistance
Find information about Alabama legal issues related to families and children, housing, the legal system, veterans and military, benefits, health, immigration, disaster aid, consumer issues, senior citizens, and taxes. Links to community resources are also available, including organizations that offer free legal services to eligible clients.
State Law Library
View information about the Supreme Court and State Law Library, which is open to the public for legal research. View the online catalog, available materials and services, links to legal research resources, and an "Ask a Librarian" online request form.
Traffic and Motor Vehicle Information
The Alabama Department of Public Safety offers several manuals with legal information about traffic and motor vehicle laws, including driver, CDL, motorcycle, and boat certification. Information and forms related to license reinstatement and other motor vehicle issues are also available.
Legal aid, free services, lawyer referral
Complaints Against Lawyers
The Alabama State Bar offers information about complaints against lawyers, including a downloadable brochure.
Consumer Protection
The Alabama Attorney General's Office of Consumer Protection offers an online complaint form and links to downloadable brochures and additional online resources. Select the "Consumer" menu item for links.
Find Legal Assistance
Search for civil legal assistance by location and legal issue, or view a directory of legal service providers by city name.
Lawyer Directory
Search the Alabama State Bar directory of member attorneys by name, city, state, firm, and law school.
Legal Services
View information about free legal services for low-income people in civil matters, with an online application form and contacts for local offices.