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Lincoln County District Court
Lincoln County Government Center
319 North Rebecca, PO Box 29
Phone: 507-694-1355
Fax: 507-694-1717
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Online Court Resources
Resources for the Lincoln County District Court as well as online resources applicable to courts generally in Lincoln County, Minnesota, and resources applicable to all courts in Minnesota.
Search court case records
Minnesota Court Records
Search Minnesota criminal, traffic, civil, family, and probate case records and judgments by county, court calendar, case number, name, citation number, attorney, or date. Online public access to case records is unavailable every Sunday from 11 a.m. until approximately 2 p.m. for regular system maintenance.
Minnesota Criminal Case Records
Search Minnesota criminal history information online, including arrest, offense, conviction, and sentencing by name and date of birth. A methamphetamine registry search is also available.
Dockets, calendars, and other information about court cases
Minnesota District Court Calendars
Search Minnesota District Court calendars by county, attorney, case number, judicial officer, party or defendant name, date range, and case category.
Forms and related information
Online fine payments
Pay Minnesota Court Fines
Pay Minnesota traffic and petty misdemeanor fines online by citation number or case number. All counties except Hennepin are included. A convenience fee applies.
Self help, legal research, general information
Southwest Health and Human Services Child Support
View information about parentage and child support services in Lincoln, Lyon, and Murray Counties.
Foreclosure Help
View information and resources for preventing foreclosure in Minnesota, including options, counselors, fact sheets, and foreclosure postponement.
Minnesota Alternative Dispute Resolution
Minnesota Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) programs, including mediation and arbitration, help parties resolve disputes without going to court. View and download a detailed brochure of ADR services, and link to a searchable roster of neutral evaluators, answers to frequently asked questions, and applications.
Minnesota Child Support Services
The Minnesota Department of Human Services offers information and services related to child support, including child support guidelines, child support enforcement, and general information.
Minnesota Court Rules
View Minnesota Court Rules, including recent amendments.
Minnesota Expungement Instructions and Forms
View and download instructions and forms to expunge a Minnesota criminal record. A video tutorial, answers to frequently asked questions, and additional tools and resources are also available.
Minnesota Motor Vehicle Information
The Minnesota Department of Public Safety provides information about driver and vehicle services, including licensing, registration, fees, forms, and manuals.
Problem-Solving Courts
View information about Minnesota problem-solving courts, which can set up treatment programs in lieu of jail for some offenders. Problem-solving courts include Drug Courts, Mental Health Courts, and Veteran Treatment Courts. A link to treatment Courts by County is provided.
County Law Libraries
Contact information for all Minnesota county law libraries is searchable by pull down menu or alphabetical list in the middle of the page.
Definitions of Common Legal Terms
Multiple glossaries of commonly used legal terms are available in several languages.
Legal Information and Legal Resources
View Minnesota legal information in a variety of languages, including English and Spanish. Legal topics include family law, housing, consumer and debt, employment, disability, juvenile and senior issues, employment, immigration, disability, benefits, health care, education, veterans, domestic violence, criminal expungement, and more. Do-it-yourself forms and links to legal assistance are included.
Minnesota Laws
Search Minnesota Statutes by section number or keyword, or browse the table of contents by chapter and section.
Minnesota Legal Information and Self Help Resources
Find Minnesota legal information including family law, conciliation (small claims) court, landlord-tenant, probate, representing yourself in court, and more. Links to video tutorials, local advice clinics, and additional self-help and legal research resources are included.
Minnesota State Law Library
View information about the Minnesota State Law Library, including location, hours, description of available materials and services, an online catalog, and an Ask-a-Librarian service. Additional sources includes links to online legal research and self-help resources, legal topics, forms, law for non-lawyers, lawyer referral, the court system, and more.
Legal aid, free services, lawyer referral
Minnesota Consumer Protection
Find information about a variety of consumer protection issues, including charity solicitation, identity theft, scams on seniors, and financial fraud. Search by specific consumer topics, order free legal publications (or download electronic versions), and view downloadable complaint procedures and forms.
Minnesota Public Defenders
The Minnesota Board of Public Defense provides information about free and low-cost criminal defense representation, how to apply for a public defender, and local district office contact information.
Find Free Legal Assistance
View lists of statewide and local free legal services and other court-related services by service area or organization name.
Find Legal Assistance
View a list of links to statewide and local lawyer referral services and legal services for low-income clients.
Lawyer Directory
Search the Minnesota Judicial Branch directory of registered attorneys by name or registration ID. A list of all lawyers may be downloaded.
Minnesota Lawyer Conduct, Discipline, and Complaint Information
The Lawyers Professional Responsibility Board offers information about lawyer conduct, including instructions for filing an online complaint against a lawyer, a search of public lawyer discipline decisions, a list of disbarred and suspended lawyers, the Rules of Professional Conduct, and the Board's opinions interpreting those Rules.