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Thompson Town Court
4052 Route 42
Phone: 845-794-7130
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Online Court Resources
Resources for the Thompson Town Court as well as online resources applicable to courts generally in Sullivan County, New York, and resources applicable to all courts in New York.
Search court case records
Criminal History Records
View information about requesting criminal history records, including an application form, filing and pickup instructions, contacts, and answers to frequently asked questions.
Case Records Requests
View information on requesting case records from the court clerk, including fees for copies, inspection for free at the clerk's office, and trial transcripts.
Published opinions and orders
New York State Trial Court Decisions
View published New York State trial court opinions by date and case name; or search opinions and motions by name, decision date, court, docket number, judge, citation, or keyword. Not all trial court decisions are published.
Forms and related information
Online fine payments
Self help, legal research, general information
Family Violence Information and Resources
View information about family violence cases and specialized courts, with links to resources for victims of domestic violence and elder abuse. For locations and contact information for Domestic Violence, Integrated Domestic Violence, and Youthful Offender Domestic Violence Courts, hover your cursor over the "Domestic Violence/Integrated Domestic Violence" menu item on the left side of the page and select "Court Locations" from the drop-down menu.
Orders of Protection
View information about Orders of Protection, which can help keep someone from harming you. Includes the difference between Supreme Court, Family Court, and criminal courts Orders of Protection, what you can do if someone violates an Order of Protection, and additional information about Domestic Violence.
Rural Legal Resources
The Rural Law Center provides self-help guides, forms, and samples geared toward low-income rural residents. Topics include going to court, service of court papers, small claims, family matters, housing, and mediation.
Small Claims Guide
View and download a handbook on small claims cases in City, Town, and Village Courts.
Tenants' Rights
The New York Office of the Attorney General offers a downloadable publication about tenants' rights in English and Spanish.
Alternative Dispute Resolution
The Office of Alternative Dispute Resolution provides a list of alternative dispute resolution court based programs, information about ADR, and links to private ADR organizations and other resources.
Child Support Services
The New York State Division of Child Support Enforcement offers information and services related to child support, including paternity establishment and enforcement of child support orders.
Law Library Information
View locations of county law libraries, library services including an online catalog of trial court law libraries, glossaries of legal terms, document request, and links to additional online resources.
Legal Information and Legal Resources
Legal information is organized by topic and includes Housing, Landlord-Tenant, Family, Child Support, Juvenile, Consumer, Probate, Individual Rights, and other legal issues. Legal resources include information about the courts and community services.
Legal Publications
View and download publications and videos about various legal topics, including alternative dispute resolution, courts, family law, housing issues, self-representation, and many others.
New York Laws
Search and browse the laws of New York State: Consolidated Laws, Unconsolidated Laws, Court Acts, Senate and Assembly Rules, the Constitution of New York, and the New York City Charter and Administrative Code.
Self-Help Legal Information
View information about going to court, the court system, how to get help, how to find the correct court, information about various legal topics, a court locator, a glossary of legal terms, a link to forms, and locations of local help centers.
Traffic Ticket and Motor Vehicle Information
View information from the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles about driver licensing, registration, insurance, and driving records. Click "TICKETS, POINTS & PENALTIES" near the middle of the menu bar for detailed information about traffic tickets, including online fine payment and pleas, points, penalties, license suspensions, parking tickets, and the Point and Insurance Reduction Program that allows some offenders to reduce points and insurance premiums by taking a classroom or online safe driving course.
Trial Court Rules
View the Uniform Rules for New York State Trial Courts by court type and topic.
Legal aid, free services, lawyer referral
Legal Services of the Hudson Valley
Contact Legal Services of the Hudson Valley for free civil legal help for low-income residents of Dutchess, Orange, Putnam, Rockland, Sullivan, Ulster, and Westchester Counties.
Consumer Protection
The New York Office of the Attorney General offers information about consumer frauds including auto, computer, credit, foreclosure, identity theft, investing and more. Tips to avoid fraud, a consumer hotline, instructions for filing complaints and complaint forms are included. Links are in the right column.
Rural Law Center Legal Help
View contact information for the Rural Law Center, or complete and submit an online form, to request legal assistance for low-income rural residents.
Find Free Legal Assistance
Search a directory of organizations offering free legal services to eligible clients by location and legal issue.
Information about Attorneys
View information about client rights and responsibilities, the Attorney Grievance Committee, and the Attorney-Client Fee Dispute Resolution Program.
New York State Bar Association Lawyer Referral
The New York State Bar Association offers a lawyer referral service by telephone, which includes an initial consultation with a lawyer. Referral is free; a nominal fee is charged for the consultation for most types of cases, although it is free for certain types of cases. The service includes most counties; contacts and links to services in the remaining counties are provided.
Women Lawyers
View a directory of Women's Bar Association of New York members.